Paneling Sales

It shows an elegant appearance and clean feeling where paneling is used. The places where you use wooden paneling will create a clean look on your home and wall thanks to its features.
Panels are dry and oven-proof and have standard features. Channel transitions are problem-free, surfaces are smooth and have a quality workmanship.
Used as wall-ceiling coverings in interior spaces and areas such as terraces and balconies, paneling and fastenings add naturalness and aesthetic value to your spaces.
Wooden coatings make living spaces warmer, more comfortable, more useful and more comfortable.

Panels and floors, which can be produced in different sizes, are classified as super (extra), 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class. Finger joint production wainscots are also available.

Width : cm on request

Thickness  : On request cm

Quality : 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class